Cool like Steve McQueen.

I just heard the other day that there is a remake of the classic movie Bullitt in the works. Hailed as containing the best car chase scene of all time, it got me thinking about what makes a car cool today. Muscle cars were the physical embodiment of cool in the days of Bullitt. How have the advancements in technology/design changed what we view as 'cool' in cars? Even though I am by no means a car guy, its interesting. Lets compare.

Steve McQueen vs. Ken Block

Steve McQueen gives the unwieldy strength of the mustang. Big, powerful aesthetics and sound. The way the film is shot established the way that car chase scenes would be viewed from then on.

Ken Block, owner of DC Shoes and gymkhana specialist shows us how technical we can get with the cars of today. The driver is in complete control and can hit marks with impeccable accuracy. The effects of the film and the snotty revving of the car are what audiences desire today.

I guess in the end I will never really pin this down. However, it is very interesting to see what technology can do. It changes what we perceive as cool everyday.