Enzo Mari: Autoprogettazione

Autoprogettazione (1974)

If I had a running list of designers who have inspired me, Enzo Mari would rank somewhere in the top five. Mari was completely interested in the growing distance between the object and the user due to mass production techniques. His design approach has always been theoretical, primarily concerned with the relationship between the object and the user.

At the Galleria Milano in 1974, Mari exhibited Autoprogettazione, which translates from Italian as ‘self-design.’ He gave out free documents at the exhibition with detailed instructions for constructing these simple furniture pieces using standardized wood and nails you might find at any local hardware store. These documents were the basis of Mari's attempt to reconnect the consumer with the direct experience, construction and understanding of their environment.

If I were to relate this project to something modern, the first thing which comes to mind is IKEA in all their 'build-it-yourself' and 'flat-pack' goodness. In forcing the user to contemplate the construction of their objects/furniture, Autoprogettazione is most definately his response tot the alienating affects of mass production. This project is still very relevant concerning sustainability, and the impact of the people on the environment.

In this week's edition of The Blurb:

Making your own music is now portable, fun, interactive and easy - via REACTable, pacemaker, and even KORG's nanoseries and DS-10 among others.

Response to last week and man's fascination with ruins - Living Down Below

I've had a busy week so thats all for this week's Blurb, til text time....