
So, I completed Frankenstein. I found it slow at parts, but a pretty smooth read in the end. The main theme reveals that there can be quite a bit of trouble when man plays god. When Dr. Frankenstein questions the principle: "Whence, I often asked myself, did the principle of life proceed?". I find it interesting that the archaic alchemists who Victor studied, foreshadowed his demise. Let me explain by asking the question: Is science a way of improving life, or does it threaten life? Victor's creation of this monster comes back many times to haunt him. Ultimately it succeeds in destroying him, by destroying everyone he loves/associates with. His plan backfires, and his 'progress' remains only on paper and in his thoughts. This is much akin to his alchemistic gods in the fact that they have only theorized on paper, but never actually put plans into action. The realization comes in the fact that Frankenstein has absolutely completed what he aimed to do, but rejects his creation and it turns into his worst enemy. A little irony sounds in small details like these throughout the novel.

I'd like to share with all of you interesting links, whether they may be articles, music or videos that I find. My plan is to share them in a section after my writing every week. I feel that by just posting the links and a small blurb about each, you can come to your own thoughts and conclusions and see the obvious relation they provide to the topics we study in class. You can go through them if you like, and comment. I don't have time to outright write about each link I post, but if a discussion is started on a particular topic, I'll share my input. Anyways I'll name this section 'the blurb'.

In this week's edtion of The Blurb:

Jonathan Schipper's Slow Inevitable Death of American Muscle - Art?

Frank Lloyd Wright Lego Set - Calling all young designers. Does anyone else question this idea?

Sites like AritficialOwl, Bearings and Why is the decay of modern ruins so fascinating?

Glad to hear about this. - The Short, Disgusting Life of the Hummer

Wayback Machine - a site dedicated to archiving webpages since the mid-nineties. It is interesting to see how far we have come in thirteen years, four years or however long a given website has been around.

Oh what some companies will do to sell a razor, art and technology at it's finest.

Nice internet marketing campaign Gillette. Pshh...

Hopefully you all will enjoy these posts. I've gotta run.