Wrigley's Believe it or Not.

I guess now we know what flares taste like. Cool name choices dudes. Flare? Really?

Wrigley's made a horrible choice in establishing 5 gum as their new premium lifestyle marketing venture in my opinion. It looks like some terrible student project in branding gone wrong. It's like the whole AXE deodorant marketing ploy. Take a crappy product and make it look cool, hype it up and people will eat it up. "Take these new flavors we came out with that appeal to a younger crowd and give them new packaging, hit a higher pricepoint and make it look like an Apple branding assignment." Totally bogus in my opinion, because it's just your run of the mill stick gum. But they are doing some cool things with their internet marketing experience. (I loathe marketing) In France anyways. Another 'Augmented Reality' Project allows you to print symbols which your webcam recongnizes as synthesizers, drum pads and audio samples, and mix them in front of the computer to create electronic music. I have tried it, and it requires some level coordination but the result is suprisingly fun and refreshing. (via 5gum.fr)